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design reviews that work
For you

From machinery and metalworking to advanced manufacturing, keep your design reviews organized. Track issues trough design versions, pin comments to particular details on 3D, securely share product designs and access them from mobile devices.

No installation necessary
No installation necessary
No credit card required
No credit card required  
Basic features free forever
Basic features free forever
Get Started for free

Sibe is trusted by industry leaders and innovators

Watch play_circle Sibe in action

Get started in just
3 steps

Upload & Share

Upload your 3D model to Sibe and easily invite others by email. Sharing is secure and you have full control over who can see your 3D models.

upload and share ui


Team members see new models and comments instantly and respond directly in their web browser.  Sibe works on desktops, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones; no downloads required.

review and comments ui


Receive updates on proofing progress in real time. Keep up with comments, track statuses, and forget the version control drama.

upload version ui

Create & finalize 3D designs
up to 2X faster

Faster Project Completion
Slash the time spent onreviews;
deliver products faster than your
Corrections Made Timely
No more amendments
and corrections past the deadline
More Happiness
Help your team be the workplace
heroes and increase your
customer satisfaction

Sibe helps the industries and teams that need to securely share lock, review , annotate , and proof 3D models

Use the design tools you like, then easily share with  Sibe

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Customers say

green quote

As a startup, we frantically care to provide our customers with the best experience through all the interactions. With Sibe, we can deliver the prototypes to the customer faster and in a more professional manner.

A woman customer called Mikalaya

Mikayla J.

Founder, 3D printing
green quote

Sibe gives us the flexibility we need to organize the reviews and signoffs. Now that the days of reviews via email are gone, the Engineering team is confident no extra work will jump out of the blue at 5PM Friday.

A man customer called Tom

Tom B.

CAD PM, shipyard
green quote

As the Project Manager, I talk to everyone involved, including 3D designers. The issue is that I'm not much of a 3D designer myself, so reviews were quite a pain. Sibe helps me remove all the unnecessary steps and track the daily progress.

A woman customer called Mai

Mai L.

PM, advertising

Do you enjoy using Sibe?
Let everyone know on G2 and Capterra.
We appreciate honest feedback!

You might ask!

Get quick answers to common questions in our FAQ section.

Contact us
What 3D formats can I share via Sibe?

Sibe supports one-click upload from a variety of tools (SolidWorks, 3DS Max, Blender, Revit, Inventor, and more). You can also upload files directly from the Web browser in the most common interchange formats (glB and STP).
We will be adding more formats over time, so if you do not see yours in the list, just drop us a note.

How much does it cost?

Good news: we have free plans for 3D enthusiasts. We founded Sibe to streamline the teamwork on 3D projects. You are welcome to take part in the story (and get free lifetime access.) Join us today!

Who can access my 3D models?

Only those who you invite can see the model, but they will not be able to download it. Other users of Sibe cannot see the model unless they are invited. To protect your data, Sibe is hosted in a SOC 2 Type 2 certified cloud. Learn more...

Does Sibe replace my 3D modeling tool?

We’re not here to shake up your existing workflow, so stick with your preferred CAD or 3D modeling tools. We’ll make it easier by removing the unnecessary overhead related to screenshots, emails, and screencasts used for review and proofing.

What do I need to view and annotate 3D models in Sibe?

Short answer: a modern web browser. You do not need to have any CAD or 3D design software or download anything. Sibe optimizes the render process so that expensive hardware is not required either.

How big / complex can be the 3D model?

There are no size or complexity limits per se. Sibe is capable of rendering a single chair, or an entire building and everything in between. This is what makes Sibe so universal.

Can I try Sibe without registration and payment?

You can use Sibe free of charge. During sign up, we ask you to provide an email and a password. This is to secure your 3D models and make sure you can control who has access.

How is my data secured?

We take the protection and resilience of customer data very seriously. Please check our Data Security statement for details.

Continuous security monitoring

Sibe uses Drata’s automation platform to continuously monitor internal security controls to the highest possible standards.

Automated alerts and evidence collection allows Sibe to confidently prove our security and compliance posture any day of the year, while fostering a security-first mindset and culture of compliance across the organization.

Check out the real-time security report.