Track all the comments
Never again try to recall "who said what".
Review all the comments and replies in one place. See how they get implemented right on 3D and 2D.
Preparing slides for design reviews and Design for Manufacturing eats up your time? Want to set up less online meetings just to explain things? Tired of wasting time on back-and-forth communications?
Sibe takes care of the routine and lets you focus on the creative side of product design.
Streamline collaboration with remote colleagues and overseas partners by ensuring mutual understanding.
Not all stakeholders have modeling
software or skills, right?
Sibe bridges that gap for everyone!
Wherever you go, the 3D models are literally in your hands with all the comments, requirements, and references.
Comments, 2D drawings, requirements,
references, ideas—Sibe is the single
source of truth.
Capture and track all meeting minutes,
decisions, and feedback from
other teams.
Provide and receive feedback on the go. Address the comments as soon as you get them. No more waiting!
Provision non-engineers or
temporary assignees with access
at any time they need it.
Never again try to recall "who said what".
Review all the comments and replies in one place. See how they get implemented right on 3D and 2D.
Show the model to the client in good quality, with all the details without actually sending the model.
Sibe allows you to have full custody of your product designs.
Compare the changes between versions: check the previous iterations, what changes were suggested, and how those changes were implemented.
With Sibe, you can be sure that the correct version is reviewed.